A Little Revolution...
David Warlick's latest post:'The Rise and Fall of the Hit - and the Textbook Industry' is a GREAT call to arms.
Bouncing off of an article by Chris Anderson in last month's WIRED magazine ('The Rise and Fall of the Hit'), David is asking the un-musical question of why don't the educators of this country take the authorship of classroom content back from the textbook manufacturers and put it online in a database to be shared by all?
"Ya say you want a revolution, well,..."
It seems too simple and do-able to be true!
I know of very few teachers who teach By and For the Book. Everyone makes their own material for their classrooms. And they make it on computers, hence digital documents.
Why couldn't a site be developed to gather and catalog this IMMENSE resource?
While it might be difficult to sift through the quantity of material that would develop, if a traffic monitor was attached to each file, with special highlighting of 'New Arrivals' to balance things out, teachers could certainly identify lessons and teacher-authors who are in synch with their classroom needs and certain trusted sources would develop and begin to rise to the top.
For that matter, with money so tight in schools these days, maybe schools should think of syndicating the content that is built by their faculties and offering it for a very minimal fee?
Put the profit where it's needed-in the hands of the school, and let the textbook companies' stockholders get a real job....
This isn't a rant, just a rambling................have to find Google's phone number in NYC and give them a call.......
Bouncing off of an article by Chris Anderson in last month's WIRED magazine ('The Rise and Fall of the Hit'), David is asking the un-musical question of why don't the educators of this country take the authorship of classroom content back from the textbook manufacturers and put it online in a database to be shared by all?
"Ya say you want a revolution, well,..."
It seems too simple and do-able to be true!
I know of very few teachers who teach By and For the Book. Everyone makes their own material for their classrooms. And they make it on computers, hence digital documents.
Why couldn't a site be developed to gather and catalog this IMMENSE resource?
While it might be difficult to sift through the quantity of material that would develop, if a traffic monitor was attached to each file, with special highlighting of 'New Arrivals' to balance things out, teachers could certainly identify lessons and teacher-authors who are in synch with their classroom needs and certain trusted sources would develop and begin to rise to the top.
For that matter, with money so tight in schools these days, maybe schools should think of syndicating the content that is built by their faculties and offering it for a very minimal fee?
Put the profit where it's needed-in the hands of the school, and let the textbook companies' stockholders get a real job....
This isn't a rant, just a rambling................have to find Google's phone number in NYC and give them a call.......