Standing on the Shore

The school year has come to an end, and - with the cuts in the Title IID/EETT Grant - our "Happy Band" has said its goodbyes to the schools we worked with, as well as to each other.
This grant has changed my professional direction for the past two years, and probably for a few years to come. I've been offered several opportunities with some wonderful schools for the year ahead and have taken on two schools for next year. They're both in a formative stage with their technology, and I feel very fortunate to help them shape what they'll do in the future.
It's really a time to stop and think. Like standing on the shore looking out at the ocean. There's such an array of new online tools, and unthought-of ways to use them. There's a bit of spin and hype with some of these tools, and the teacher has to overrule the technologist when decisions about kids' learning is concerned.
It's a very different place to be "The Teacher" and tailor every element of the curriculum to fit the student's strengths and your own personality. As a Technology Integration person, I need to develop a solution that fits all the parties: kids, teachers, subject matter, tech infrastructure, and skill levels, while furthering the objectives of the teacher in charge.
It's easy to get caught up in all the latest wundertech, but here at the end of June 2006, I think it's best to stand on the shore of next year and digest and wait for perspective to seep in.....
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