Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Feeling the Burn

I'm sitting across the table from a company rep who is giving us free resources: books, training, maybe computers, tech support....The kids will read, then take a test. Read, then take a test. Read, then take a test. Read, then take a test.(Okay, I'll stop.)

It's at no cost to the school.

My Dad used to say: "For free take, for buy, waste time."

So we say "Yes!". Well, I didn't say anything: ("Must keep mouth closed. Must keep mouth closed.")

All I saw before me was a plan to harness children to administrative reports. There was no doubt which party would benefit the most from this transaction. And I could feel how tense my muscles were. This company rep was not a threatening character. Bringing free supplies and resources. "It will improve students' reading."... There were "shortcomings" in our public schools reading programs....There are no costs to the school....

But I can feel the burn.

I've been hearing an angrier tone in some of the edublogs these days and as I pictured our students dutifully responding to the online multiple choice tests in order to shore up administrator's professional prospects, I could feel the warmth I've always associated with teaching children just get up and leave the room.

This is a cold time in education.
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