Thursday, February 23, 2006

I've Been Absent for Three Weeks?

Just noticed that it's been a long, llloonngg, time since posting.
Not that I haven't been reading other tech educators' blogs. There are always things to consider in this area of education-a constant flow of innovations to learn about and incorporate.
I think the funding cuts to EETT/Title IID have stunned me a bit and created some questioning of the future opportunities in this field. So much seems to rest on federal and state leadership in this area to make it happen. Building this new infrastructure requires serious investment. In the absence of this, there have to be very resourceful, clever, resilient leaders to do what needs to be done in spite of the the political mood shifts that wash over public schools.
There's no doubt in my mind that we are far behind the curve with technology in the schools. There has been so much ground opened up and schools have barely tiptoed into into this new territory.
Maybe we need to push innovation; be relentless and insistent; make some noise and advocate to bring these new skills to students who will need them.
It's time to network; to pull together; to make things happen; and to move the bar up without hesitation.
It's also time to invite others to our blogs-including mine.


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