Opening Entry!
I've been reading some of the great ed-tech blogs (Will Richardson, David Warlick, Stephen Downes, Clarence Fisher...) but decided to finally wade in to this new world. Hopefully as I learn more about the possibilities first-hand, I can lead other teachers and students in this as well.
Of course my initial concerns about this venue for the kids include: online safety, regular and easy access to the web, appropriate use of the blog environment....and then making good use of blogging in a way that fits with their "school life" and their "life life".
So it will start here and today. I'll find out how this can work in a way to make the words they read "Theirs".
Of course my initial concerns about this venue for the kids include: online safety, regular and easy access to the web, appropriate use of the blog environment....and then making good use of blogging in a way that fits with their "school life" and their "life life".
So it will start here and today. I'll find out how this can work in a way to make the words they read "Theirs".
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